Welcome to my blog!

"I went to the woods because I wanted to live deliberately, I wanted to live deep and suck out all the marrow of life, to put to rout all that was not life and when I had come to die - discover that I had not lived." - Henry David Thoreau, Walden

Have a great year - Live Deep!

Wednesday, August 31, 2022

Welcome Back to School


I can't tell you how excited I am to be starting the 2023-2024 school year with YOU in my class! I know you're thinking "She doesn't even know me yet!" but … I will. In the coming weeks we will be spending time together every day. We will create, debate, write, read, argue, design and teach each other new things.  Before we do these this, however, I have a few promises to make you - as your new teacher:

- I promise to keep you busy... all the time.
- I promise to say hello to you every day. 
- I promise to respect you - always.
- I promise to push you to do your best. I believe in you, and although you may not like it sometimes, I will never accept anything other than your best.
- I promise to make you talk to your peers - every. single. day. You will learn how to discuss, debate, and work in groups in a way that will make you a better student and friend.
- I promise let you be creative and have fun.
- I promise to be your supporter and #1 fan.
- I promise teach you using the things you using things you love - like technology.
- I promise that I will make mistakes. Be patient with me.
- I promise that you (and your values and opinions) will always be safe in my classroom.
and finally.
- I promise to make you think deeply, speak clearly, and use the things you have learned in our class in your real life.

So there you have it! Those are my promises to you for this school year.

I hope you will take a moment to read our class norms. These are standards that we have in 229 on a daily basis. If someone walks into our classroom at any moment - this is what they should see:

Equity of Voice - Everyone has a voice that is respected and heard
Respectful Use of Technology - Our laptops and programs should be respected at all times
Collaboration as a Team - We will function as a team in all circumstances
Safety to Share - Our class is a safe place to share opinions and respect differences
Active Listening - All team members will listen to each other with their eyes, body, and ears

Finally, click on your Western Civilization class period and fill out the Student Survey below. 

You have officially completed your first assignment of the year! Great job!

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